Friday, July 11, 2008

Great News!!!!

We received the greatest news today.

The first part of our news is that I had a doctor's appointment today for a pregnancy test. It is now official...I am 5 weeks pregnant and will expect our new addition to be born on March 15th, 2009!

The second part of our news is that Max got accepted to Naval Post Graduate School. :) He starts in January 2009, so we will be leaving Virginia in December 2008. He will be getting a Master's of Applied Science in Human Systems Integration,.

We are both obviously excited about finally getting pregnant again and finally getting the news about Monterey. Max gets his official orders in August. Once they arrive, we will be taking a trip to Monterey to look at houses and other places to live.

The timing works out pretty well. We wanted to have another kid as close to the beginning of Max's shore duty as possible, so he could do all the things he missed with Kaidyn. Plus, I'll only be about 6 months pregnant when we move, so I'll only have to stop every second rest area instead of every exit.